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steel maker中文是什么意思

用"steel maker"造句"steel maker"怎么读"steel maker" in a sentence


  • 钢铁制造石
  • 制钢厂


  • Tata continues to grow internationally . this week , tata steel proposed to buy the british steel maker corus group
    塔塔继续在国际上扩展,本周,塔塔钢铁还提出来购买英国的钢铁制造厂- - - -卡洛斯集团。
  • Baosteel group , china ' s largest steel maker , has launched a 2 . 6 billion u . s . dollars joint venture with hansteel group
  • In the past chinese iron ore importers and steel makers negotiated the iron ore price separately , which often resulted in speculation in pricing
  • “ with the spot market getting even tighter it seems that steel makers are in a weak position , ” added mr smith , who forecast an increase of 50 per cent
    史密斯补充称: “由于现货市场的供应变得更为紧张,钢铁制造商目前似乎处于弱势。 ”他预测铁矿石价格将上涨50 % 。
  • Tata continues to grow internationally . this week , tata steel proposed to buy the british steel maker corus group . tata also plans major investments in south africa
  • Besides , the french , luxembourg and spanish governments also tried to block indian - owned mittal steel , the world ' s largest steel company , from buying the ( luxembourg - based ) european steel maker arcelor
  • Tata continues to grow internationally . this week , tata still ( steel ) proposed to buy the british steel maker cause ( corus ) group . tata also plans measure ( major ) investments in south africa
  • Faced with severe challenges with the ever approaching of china ' s entry into wto , it has turned out to be a vital problem for the iron & steel makers in china to challenge the competition with international steel giants and strive for their survival and sustainable development
用"steel maker"造句  
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